Hamilton Hamilton

Online Counselling & Therapy in Hamilton

Finding a counsellor or therapist in Hamilton, Ontario, can be difficult. Choosing online counselling services can make it that much easier to get the support you need and deserve.

Wellin5 can match you to an online counsellor who you can meet with in as little as 12-24 hours.

Get Started

Get matched with an online counsellor

It can be tough to find reliable counselling services in Hamilton.

In a smaller city, it’s all too easy for qualified counsellors and therapists to have their appointment books filled quickly. That makes many of them unable to take on new clients. It’s just not possible for these professionals to meetthe individual needs of every unique person.

Online counselling is here to fill that gap. It’s accessible, cost-effective, and can help you navigate your day-to-day issues. You don’t need to spend your valuable time finding a Hamilton therapist or counsellor, with Wellin5 you can focus on receiving care and making positive changes.

Wellin5 can match you to an online counsellor who meets your specific needs. Our helpful professionals can equip you with the proper tools to work through challenges as they come and can provide support for a variety of mental health concerns.

Maintaining a large pool of qualified counsellors supports a diverse range of needs. We make it easier to access the kind of therapy that works best for you.

Whether you’re a student or a working professional, get counselling that fits your busy schedule anywhere, any time.

Here's how it works

Wellin5 makes finding the right counsellor easier, while helping you make the most of each appointment. Sign up for our services and get matched with a counsellor right away! You can share information with your counsellor, receive notifications, and select from a available appointments, making it easier to fit counselling into your schedule.

Select your appointment length and time slot

Select either a 1-hour or half-hour time slot available in your counsellor’s calendar.

Complete your pre-book survey

Complete the pre-booking survey which will help your counsellor understand how best they can give you the support you need.

Receive a confirmation for your counsellor

Your counsellor will send a confirmation your way to ensure both of you are on the same page.

Hop into the meeting room and get started

Log in at any time to see when your session will begin. Your session will start at your scheduled time and provide the support you need.

Wellin5 helps you find qualified, professional therapy in Hamilton and across Canada. Our online and accessible approach to counselling makes it easier for you to get the support you deserve.