You shouldn't have to suffer alone. Our online abuse and violence counsellors are here to help.
Seeking counselling for abusive relationships can be nerve-wracking but speaking with a mental health counsellor can help you heal.
Wellin5 has online Canadian counsellors who are highly specialised in counselling for abuse victims and violence therapy.
Wellin5 is a Canadian company offering counselling for those in every province and territory across Canada. Wellin5 therapy, counselling and social work services are generally covered by most Canadian insurance providers.
Receiving therapy after an abusive relationship is essential for domestic violence survivors. You deserve support from a professional. With it, you can start making positive changes that help you move forward.
What is abuse and violence?
This can take the form of verbal abuse, sexual violence, and much more. In a romantic relationship, if the victimized partner tries to leave an abusive relationship, the abusive partner could become angry and use violence or excessive controlling behavior.