Helping those in Guelph manage their mental health.
Did you know?
Like many Canadian cities, Guelph’s weather conditions can have a real effect on mental health, with winter months being especially hard.
It can be difficult to find an available counsellor in a city like Guelph. Many are booked up and unable to take new clients, or can’t meet the individual needs of every unique client. Online counselling is here to fill that gap in an accessible, cost-effective way.
Wellin5 matches you to a qualified online counsellor who meets your specific needs. They can equip you with the proper tools to work through seasonal and life-long challenges as they come.
Get matched with a Wellin5 counsellor today to start getting the support you need.
Here's how it works
Select your appointment length and time slot
Complete your pre-book survey
Receive a confirmation for your counsellor
Hop into the meeting room and get started